GW flow&cont.transp

On this page you may find some information about the Course GW Flow and Contaminant Transport Modeling. You may freely download any material and use it using correct citation! Thank You!

Please read the following inromation about the course: gw_modeling_specs_2023.pdf

Course time schedule: time-schedule_2023_ii.pdf


Course completion:

To complete the course students should complete several assignments and should pass an exam consists of a stand-alone building of a model of a hydraulic or transport problem. 
Please search for the menu SW & Literature to download software needed and some additional readings.  

Assignments (deadline: last Monday of the semester, take care on submitting your assignments both in pdf printed and digital (data sets) forms as written in the description!) 

MOD1: Hydraulic modeling of a heat pump pumping and injection assign1_2023.pdf

MOD2: Steady state model of a well-field assign2_2023.pdf

MOD3: Steady state & transient model of an underground garage assign3_parkinglot.pdf 

MOD4: Transient model of a pumping test assign4.pdf assign4_data.xlsx

MOD5: Investigation of a modified unit basin at unconventional boundary conditions assign5.pdf

MOD6: Modeling remediation of a contaminated site assign6.pdf

Sample models made on the course:

Steady state GW Flow model1. (basic packages)
-   Part1
-   Part2 (Well, HFB)
-   Part3 (Drain, River)
-   Part4 (GHB, ET, Rech)
Transient GW flow model 1. (pumping test simulation)

Some presentations about general issues concerning modeling aspecially GW flow modeling: 




Good books:

Two very good book on hydrogeological topics can be downloaded free of charge from The Groundwater Project's site:

Freeze - Cherry: Groundwater

Woessner - Poeter: Hydrogeologic Properties of Earth Materials and Principles of Groundwater Flow 


Additional readings:

In case you are more deeply interested in modeling I suggest you the books of Wen-Hsing Chiang and Prof. Kinzelbach:

Kinzelbach, W., 1986. Groundwater Modelling - An introduction with sample programs in BASIC. Elsevier. ISBN 0-444-42582-9.

Chiang, Wen-Hsing, Kinzelbach, Wolfgang: 3D-Groundwater Modeling with PMWIN A Simulation System for Modeling Groundwater Flow and Pollution, Springer, 2003

Other good/recommended readings:

Andersen P. F., 1993. A manual of instructional problems for the U.S.G.S. MODFLOW model. Center for Subsurface Modeling Support. EPA/600/R-93/010.

Anderson, M. P. and W. W. Woessner, 1991. Applied groundwater modeling: simulation of flow
and advective transport. 381 pp. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.

Bear, J., 1972. Dynamics of fluids in porous media. American Elsevier Pub. Co., New York.

Bear, J., 1979. Hydraulics of Groundwater, McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 569 p.

Bear, J. and A, Verruijt, 1987. Modeling groundwater flow and pollution, D. Reidel Publishing, Dordrecht, Holland.

Fetter, C.W. 1994. Applied Hydrogeology, 3rd Edition. Macmillan College, New York, 691 pp.

Freeze, R. A. and J. A. Cherry. 1979. Groundwater. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New


Manual of PM v5.3.3 freeware code: pm5_jobb.pdf 

Manual of PM v8.0 freeware code: pm8 manual

New! a sample exam test:exam_03a.docx

And here is the solution! 

Exam checklist: modelling-tasks-to-successfully-pass-an-exam.pdf

In case of online exam: Declaration form for exam: declaration.docx 

The declaration form is to be signed before the exam. It is needed due to the remote exam procedure to document and accept the rules. The signed sheet must be sent back in scanned form or just by copypasting the bodytext into an e-mail sent me back to from your own e-mail adress!