Dear Students,
please find below the regulations for 2020 to submit HWs! It is important to keep the rules to let your work be evaluated!
Thanks for your kind collaboration!
My deadline to give signature for all students finishing their study in this semester is May 2, 2020. Therefore all students who want to be evaluated must send me all HWs in both forms (pdf printed and compressed datasets) until April 29, 2020.
To students who failed to get the signature there is an extra period until May 22, 2020 to make it good.
For the other students I have no official information about deadlines right now but I try to get it soon.
Some imporant details to be followed:
2. This e-mail address is not for contacting me just to collect all HWs. please do not wait for replies... you may send me separate mail to my normal address that some HWs are uploaded but I will check this address regularly
3. All homeworks sent to somewhere else (even to my normal e-mail adresses) are "not existing" from evaluation aspect...
4. Please send me HWs separately one-by-one! Each HW should be compressed into a file without password and other safety feature...Please use informative filename such as HWx_NeptunCode.zip or rar. This also helps me to find your homeworks after decompressing easily and not to make you troubles due to lost homeworks
5. Please to use informative topic for your mail like HWx of YourName (NeptunCode)
6. In case your mail server does not allows to send executables (*.exe, *.bat, etc.) simply try to change a character in extention like ex_ or exx, ba_ or bax this usually helps. Please not to delete this files, because sometimes they contain information to me.
7. In case you want to share me a link, please NOT USE services with time limit, but use a Google drive with shareable link or similar that is available for a longer period (until the end of semester) to be able to download files. In case you share link please apply one link for each compressed file of each homework (with an informative filename such as HWx_NeptunCode.zip or rar)
Sorry of being so complicated, but finally I will get hundreds of files with name of HW that is to be avoided for our common interest.. You may imagine my "happyness" after hunting the authors of homeworks, and my willingness to evaluate them...:-)
Kind regards,