• Szinva-vízesés télen, Miskolc

    Szinva-vízesés télen, Miskolc


  • Kiválás egy csővezetékben

    Kiválás egy csővezetékben

    Vízellátás - geotermia

  • Hőhasznosítás, Larderello, Olaszország

    Hőhasznosítás, Larderello, Olaszország

    Geotermikus rendszerek vizsgálata, védőidom-meghatározás

  • Úttest súvadása

    Úttest súvadása

    Állékonyságviszgálat - geotechnika

  • Talajvízdúsítás, Borsodszirák

    Talajvízdúsítás, Borsodszirák

    Vízellátás - hidrogeológiai védőidommeghatározás

  • Tiszavirágzás, Szeged

    Tiszavirágzás, Szeged


  • Szalajka vízesés, Szilvásvárad

    Szalajka vízesés, Szilvásvárad


  • Félsivatag az Atlasz-hegység lábánál, Marokkó

    Félsivatag az Atlasz-hegység lábánál, Marokkó


  • Felhagyott külfejtés tava, Rudabánya

    Felhagyott külfejtés tava, Rudabánya

    Környezetvédelem - Ipari tevékenységek hatásvizsgálata

  • Cseppkő a bányavágatban, Mátraszentimre

    Cseppkő a bányavágatban, Mátraszentimre



Dear Students, 

due to the epidemic I produced some eduational videos to show you the steps of building models in Processing MODFLOW.

You should know that these videos were made using tools we have and not using the abilities of professional studios. I am sorry for some aborted sentences, some loud barking of my dogs, boring parts, etc... I hope that the videos will serve the better understanding of modeling steps. All videos are converted and saved into the most compressed Matrjoska *.MKV format. You may use VLC or other codes to open them... I was using Processing MODFLOW version 8.0.47, but even using v5.3.3 you can do ther modeling tasks. I formulated the task always keeping in mind the limitations of the educational/demo version of PMWin 8.0 software.

Dowloading the videos is free to everyone... use it for your own risk on "as is" basis - even if they are not my students, not students, etc...  I made them quite quickly so there might be some minor mistakes in it, but I hope that the general aim to help your studies is succeeded.  I published all videos on google drive (see links below). Sorry for some missing explanation videos! For Hungarian speaking students please also visit the videos in Hungarian!

Video #00. Prologue (how to start?)

Video #0. General features of PM - introduction

Video #1. Building a simple model in PM  

Video #2. Drawing pathlines from and to the wells based on Video #1

Video #3. Building a 3D steady state model with recharge from precipitation and a horizontal flow barrier (slurry wall, impermeable retaining wall., etc.) based on Video #1. 

Video #4. Adaptation of rivers and drains to models based on Video #3. Some explanation on whiteboard and a screenshot of the whiteboard.

Video #5. Using General Head Boundaries (GHB) instead of Fixed heads based on Video #3. Some explanation on whiteboard and a screenshot of the whiteboard.

Video #6. Implementation of GW Flow (horizontal hidraulic gradient) into the model based on Video #3.

Video #7. Application of inactive zones and using the import results command to determine real drawdowns based on Video #6. 

Video #8. Defining zones instead of homogeneous parameter fields based on Video #5.

Video #9. Using interpolations, building irregular 3D  geometry based on Video #3. Some explanation on whiteboard and a screenshot of the whiteboard.

Video #10. Building a transient model with observation wells, making animations. Some explanation on whiteboard and a screenshot of the whiteboard.

Video #11. Using time variant specified heads to simulate a river flood based on Video #10. Some explanation on whiteboard and a screenshot of the whiteboard.


Tothian unit basin models

Video #12. Building  a model of vertical profile - Joe Toth's Unit basin model Some explanation on whiteboard and a screenshot of the whiteboard.

Video #12 nested . Building  a model of vertical profile - Joe Toth's Unit basin model with nested flow regime (based on Video #12)

ShortVideo #12. Building  a model of vertical profile - Joe Toth's Unit basin model 

ShortVideo #12 nested . Building  a model of vertical profile - Joe Toth's Unit basin model with nested flow regime (based on ShortVideo #12)


Transport modeling

Video #13. Building a multi-species transport model with three different  contaminants , different source types. Natural migration of contaminants. Some explanation on whiteboard and a screenshot of the whiteboard (planned but still missing).

Video #14. investigation of remedial strategies I. (slurry-wall and slurry wall with well) based on video #13

Video #15. investigation of remedial strategies II. (active well line, drain). the use of water budget calculator based on video #13


Video #16. Determination of Well-head Protection Area fpr a deep well Some explanation on whiteboard .

Video #16/2 Using DXF files to determine WHPA boundaries

Video #17. Determination of Well-Head Protection Area for a horizontal well in a riverbank aquifer

Video #18. Setting up user-defined coordinate system

Kapcsolat - Contact:

Kovács Balázs

Szanyi János