Course news
No-one was interested in consultation concerning homeworks
2016.04.20.No-one was interested in consultation concerning homeworks ...
továbbConsulting on Homeworks related problems
2016.04.10.Dear Students!
On April 18, 2016 from 2 pm. till 4 pm. there is time window opened for consulting homework related problems at the Inst. of Enviromental Management Building A/4. 1st Floor Room 34.
The two hours are dedicated to probems&questions and answers and not to prepare the homework of any student. Please to be prepared with theoretical or numerical problems....
Help to complete HW1
2016.03.04.Since I got some information concerning some problems to solve the homework I decided to publish the dataset created on the demonstration lesson.
továbbModified time schedule of the course
2016.02.29.Due to the cancellation of the education on March 5, 2016 I had to modify the course time schedule... Homeworks did not change !
továbbYou will need Your StudentID to complete the homeworks
2016.02.28.All homeworks are similar to all students but to choose Your own data to solve the homework You need a Student ID
továbbSoftware to download and install
2016.01.21.Info to everyone who decides to work on his/her own laptop...