Course news
Courses for Spring Fall 2017/18
2018.02.18.I started to publish the materials for the new semester...
továbbHW3 is on-line
2017.03.12.Please find the HW3 of thew current semester at the homapage of the course
továbbSpring Semester course will start soon
2017.02.09.We will meet on Monday, February 13, 2017 at 8.15
továbbConsulting on Homeworks related problems #2
2016.05.08.Dear students, as it was already mentioned during the last courese 2 hours of consulting period is offered to solve homework related problems on Monday May 9, 2016 from 1.30 p.m.
továbbHomework #3 is on-line
2016.04.24.The next homework for Hydrogeology students is available to be downloaded
továbbNo-one was interested in consultation concerning homeworks
2016.04.20.No-one was interested in consultation concerning homeworks ...