Course news
Important!!! How to submit HWs!
2020.04.17.Dear Students,
please find below the regulations for 2020 to submit HWs! It is important to keep the rules to let your work be evaluated!
Thanks for your kind collaboration!
All HW`s and educational videos are published
2020.04.06.To serve distance leaning during COVID-19 epidemic please find some educational videos on-line!
továbbHW1 is published
2020.02.17.Your 1st homework to determine the breakthrought time for injection-production well doublet is published
továbbThe homepage is refreshed!
2020.02.09.Dear students, the homepage is started to be updated for the new semester. You will find regularly new materials on it like home works and other additional informations!
továbbHomeworks are online
2019.03.17.Dear Students,
During the last few weeks I added some homeworks...
Please to download and solve them...
Webpage updated for 2019 spring semester
2019.02.24.I started to upgrade the webpage content.
továbbTime schedule for the rest of the semester and passing the course
2018.03.17.As I promised last Monday I prepared the time schedule of the rest of the semester. Please find below the conditions to pass the course!
továbbPlease find the modified 2nd homework on-line
2018.02.26.Since I have found some minor problems in the previous version I changed the document... The datasets has not been changed!!!
továbbLiterature - to understand more
2018.02.18.I made a new menu of suggested literature and softwares for better understanding the course topics